31 March 2020

Editor's note

Editor’s note. Monthly compilation. March 2020

Journal Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental (Daily Journal for Environmental Law):

The monthly compilation n. 98, February 2020, is now available through the link “COMPILATIONS” contained in the header of the journal website.

28 February 2020

Editor's note

Editor’s note. Monthly compilation. February 2020

Journal Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental (Daily Journal for Environmental Law):

The monthly compilation n. 98, February 2020, is now available through the link “COMPILATIONS” contained in the header of the journal website.


31 January 2020

Editor's note

Editor’s note. Monthly compilation. January 2020

Journal Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental (Daily Journal for Environmental Law):

The monthly compilation n. 97, January 2020, is now available through the link “COMPILATIONS” contained in the header of the journal website.


26 December 2019

Editor's note

Nota del Editor. Periodo navideño

Estimados lectores:

La Dirección y el equipo de Redacción de “Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental” les desea Felices Fiestas y retomará su publicación el día 7 de enero.

¡Les deseamos un Feliz Año 2020!


23 December 2019

Editor's note

Editor’s note. Monthly compilation. December 2019

Journal Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental (Daily Journal for Environmental Law):

The monthly compilation n. 96, December 2019, is now available through the link “COMPILATIONS” contained in the header of the journal website.