Title: Integrating SDGS in legal frameworks to enhance climate resilience in food systems for sustainable development
Título: Integración de los ODS en los marcos jurídicos para aumentar la resistencia climática en los sistemas alimentarios para el desarrollo sostenible
Author: Mr. Abhilash Arun Sapre, Assistant Professor of Law at Gujarat National Law University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat, India. ORCID: 0000-0002-7680-0894. Email: id-asapre@gnlu.ac.in
Fecha de recepción: 28/05/2024
Fecha de aceptación: 10/07/2024
Fecha de modificación: 12/07/2024
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00382
Documento completo: Integrating SDGS in legal frameworks to enhance climate resilience in food systems for sustainable development
The increasing effects of climate change on global food systems call for well-thought-out legal actions. The study investigates the interplay between climate change, legal frameworks, and sustainable food production, emphasizing how laws can facilitate or obstruct sustainability objectives. It begins by addressing the challenges that climate change imposes on food cultivation, distribution, and security, underscoring the vulnerability of agricultural sectors to climatic fluctuations and the ensuing risks to food availability and accessibility, which are crucial to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The research proceeds with a comprehensive evaluation of existing global, national, and local legal mechanisms and policies, assessing their effectiveness in promoting sustainable practices and mitigating climate impacts.
Title: “Analysing the environmental impact of IMO sulphur regulation 2020, annex VI, MARPOL”
Título: “Análisis del impacto ambiental del reglamento sobre azufre de la OMI de 2020, anexo VI, MARPOL”
Author: Mr Abhay Singh, Research Scholar, Gujarat National Law University
Author: Prof. Sanjeevi Shanthakumar, Director, Gujarat National Law University
Fecha de recepción: 28/10/2022
Fecha de aceptación: 15/12/2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00072
The IMO has set different SOx limits over the years, including different limits for SECA and areas outside SECA. The EU has formulated stricter limits for its member states. The EU port and SECA areas have reduced SOx emissions vastly. Ocean acidification, degradation of the environment, and human health has been improved in the EU ports and SECA areas. However, the improvement at the global level is limited.
SOx emission causes a cooling effect on temperature and decreases the warming effect of GHG emissions. The lowering of SOx can impact global warming. Further, the Black Carbon emission from alternate fuels can lead to increased GHG emissions. The acidic wash water from EGCS contains toxic metals and PAHs which when discharged
Title: “Role of public in protection and use of wildlife: problems and solutions. Russian federation, Trans-Baikal territory, Republic of Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan”
Título: “Papel del público en la protección y el uso de la vida silvestre: problemas y soluciones. Federación de Rusia, Territorio Trans-Baikal, República de Armenia, Georgia, Kazajstán”
Author: Svetlana Ivanova, Associate professor of Land Law and Labor Law Department, Orenburg State Agrarian University (Russian Federation), PhD in Law
Autora: Svetlana Ivanova, Profesora asociada del Departamento de Derecho de la Tierra y Derecho Laboral, Universidad Agraria del Estado de Orenburg (Federación de Rusia), Doctora en Derecho
Fecha de recepción: 26/07/2021
Fecha de aceptación: 09/08/2021
Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00173
This article examines the principles and criteria of public participation in solving issues in the field of protection and use of wildlife. Interaction between the authorities and the public should be built on a fair, effective and informative basis. The author states that public participation in general can be regarded as providing people with an opportunity to influence the results of the plans and work processes that constitute the activities of government bodies.
Based on the analysis of certain provisions of the legislation on the animal world and law enforcement practice, the
Title: “Understanding the legal development and challenges regarding underwater noise pollution in Spain and Norway”
Título: “Comprendiendo el desarrollo jurídico y retos de la contaminación acústica subacuática en España y Noruega”
Author: Esteban Morelle Hungría, PhD in Law, environmental law and sustainability. Collaborator researcher in Public Law at University of Balearic Islands, esteban.morelle@uib.es ORCID: 0000-0001-5149-1792
Autor: Esteban Morelle Hungría, Doctor en Derecho, Derecho ambiental y sostenibilidad. Investigador colaborador en Derecho público en la Universitat de les Illes Balears, esteban.morelle@uib.es ORCID: 0000-0001-5149-1792
Fecha de recepción: 24/08/2020
Fecha de aceptación: 02/10/2020
Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00162
Abstract: Noise is one of most important pollution that affects to human health, but in aquatic ecosystem its impact is higher than terrestrial. Noise is included in environmental acts only by sectorial mechanism but, in 2010, this vision changed. Ecosystem approach was incorporated in Spanish acts with first legal instrument for protecting from holistic perspective internal seas. From the European Union built news regulations about marine policies from ecosystem approach, with two essentials acts, Maritime Spatial Planning and Marine Strategies. In this paper, we analyse these mechanisms in Spain and Norway; we make a descriptive research about the legal
Title: “Corporate environmental criminal liability in Spain and the participation of the environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGOS)”
Título: “Responsabilidad penal medio ambiental empresarial en España y la participación de organizaciones no gubernamentales medio ambientales (ONGMA)”
Autor: Miriam Ruiz Arias, Docente ocasional, Tecnólogico de Antioquía, Institución Universitaria, Colombia
Fecha de recepción: 03/02/2020
Fecha de aceptación: 08/04/2020
This paper has the aim of pointing out the environmental enterprises’ criminal liability in Spain. Considering this, it proposes an environmental criminal policy based in two main ideas: the participation of the Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations in the elaboration of criminal compliance programmes in a framework where the self-enforcement is common and the access to environmental justice of this organizations.
Este documento pretende analizar la responsabilidad penal medio ambiental de las empresas en España. A su vez, propone una política criminal medio ambiental fundamentada en dos ideas principales: por un lado, la participación de Organizaciones No Gubernamentales Medio Ambientales en la elaboración de programas de cumplimiento penal en un contexto donde la autorregulación es comúnmente aceptada y, por otro lado, el acceso a la justicia