Title: “Analysing the environmental impact of IMO sulphur regulation 2020, annex VI, MARPOL”
Título: “Análisis del impacto ambiental del reglamento sobre azufre de la OMI de 2020, anexo VI, MARPOL”
Author: Mr Abhay Singh, Research Scholar, Gujarat National Law University
Author: Prof. Sanjeevi Shanthakumar, Director, Gujarat National Law University
Fecha de recepción: 28/10/2022
Fecha de aceptación: 15/12/2022
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00072
The IMO has set different SOx limits over the years, including different limits for SECA and areas outside SECA. The EU has formulated stricter limits for its member states. The EU port and SECA areas have reduced SOx emissions vastly. Ocean acidification, degradation of the environment, and human health has been improved in the EU ports and SECA areas. However, the improvement at the global level is limited.
SOx emission causes a cooling effect on temperature and decreases the warming effect of GHG emissions. The lowering of SOx can impact global warming. Further, the Black Carbon emission from alternate fuels can lead to increased GHG emissions. The acidic wash water from EGCS contains toxic metals and PAHs which when discharged