
Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental ( is a journal of daily periodicity. It was first developed in May 2008 by the Group of Research Observatorio del Litoral de la Universidade da Coruña (Observatory of the Coastal of University of A Coruña). Since April 2011, the Centro Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental (CIEDA-CIEMAT) (International Centre for Environmental Law Studies), dependent on the public research organization CIEMAT, belonging to the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) has assumed the direction and management of the journal following the lines taken by the previous Group.

The aim of this publication is to provide reliable, immediate, updated, simplified and systematized information about the developments of Environmental Law. It also includes doctrinal articles and brief comments in order to promote the research in terms of Environmental Law.

This on-line innovative journal tries to make maximum use of the collaborative possibilities offered by the information society. Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental is characterized by its immediacy. It is a free service aiming to be accessible to the greatest number of researchers, professors, administrative specialists and official, lawyers, students, other legal professionals and any other person interested in environmental protection. We want to turn this journal into a public framework of reference in terms of environmental Law information, research and study and to contribute to the best application of this field of Law.

The magazine is divided in six parts. The first part includes Articles, together with doctrinal analysis about environmental legislation and case law mainly with a research purpose. The second part includes Commentaries about current environmental issues that can be related to recently published regulations or novel judgments that are worthy of a comment. The section is written essentially for a general audience. In these first two parts, external collaborations will be accepted in accordance with “Collaborate” part. The third part includes notes of Current Legislation. It incorporates legal regulations approved in the international, European, national and regional frame, including a small brief about the object, the coming into force and the affected regulations. The fourth part focuses on the outstanding Current Case Law. This part includes the most recently judgments on environmental Law of the European Court of Justice, European Court of Human Rights, Spanish Supreme Court, Spanish Constitutional Court, Spanish High Court and Supreme Courts of Justice in each autonomous region. Each judgment will be accompanied by key issues and a summary and brief comment of the author. Current Legislation and Current Case Law include likewise the reference to the whole text of the regulations or the above-mentioned judgments. The fifth part is focused on Current bibliographic References, including the most relevant doctrinal references of the periodical publications and the monographs on this subject. The sixth and last part is focused on Current Issues, including brief news about policy actions and tendencies of the Spanish environmental Law.

The introductory notes and articles in this publication are accumulated and can be seen at any time through four ways: 1º. An index of the different parts (current issues, articles and brief comments, current Jurisprudence, current Legislation, current doctrinal References) that allows to consult chronologically the entries generated in each part; 2º.  A (monthly) chronological index that allows to check all the entries created in each month; 3º.  An analytical index that allows to consult in relation to a thematic classification carried out by the Editorial Board; 4º.  A search engine that allows to locate the wanted entries by words.  This system provides the journal with high degree of accessibility.

In order to provide the access to the information, a PDF will be monthly included with all the publications corresponding to the previous month.


The CIEMAT, as Publisher of the journal Actualidad Jurídica Ambiental, is not responsible for the opinions expressed by the authors.