8 May 2017

Comments English comments

Comment: “Climate refugees”

Título: “Los refugiados climáticos”

Title: “Climate refugees”

Autor: Fernando López Ramón, Catedrático de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad de Zaragoza, flopez@unizar.es

2 June 2014

Comments Case-law Comments English comments

Judgment Commentary: “Judgment of 13 December 2013, T-240/10 – Hungary v Commission. (“Amflora potato”)”

Title: “Judgment of 13 December 2013, T-240/10 – Hungary v Commission. (“Amflora potato”)”

Author and translation: Isabel Hernández San Juan, Doctoral Student. Public Law Department, Carlos III University Of Madrid, ihernand@der-pu.uc3m.es

Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00209

11 July 2011

Comments Legislation Comments English comments

Commentary: “Features, Innovations And Shortcomings Of The Bill On Waste And Contaminated Soils”

Title: “Features, Innovations And Shortcomings Of The Bill On Waste And Contaminated Soils”

Author: José Francisco Alenza García, Professor of Administrative Law of Public University of Navarra

Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00200

22 June 2011

Comments English comments

Commentary: “Biomass, A Renewable Energy Climbing Steps. Regarding The Castille and León Bioenergy Regional Plan”

Title: “Biomass, A Renewable Energy Climbing Steps. Regarding The Castille and León Bioenergy Regional Plan”

Author: Eva Blasco Hedo, Responsible of the Research and Formation Unit of CIEDA-CIEMAT (International Center for Environmental Law Studies)

Key words: Biomass; renewable energies evolution; terms included in the concept of biomass; advantages and drawbacks; Bioenergy Plan; Castile and León.

Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00199


3 May 2011

Comments Legislation Comments English comments

Commentary: “Environmental Sustainability And Administrative Law: A New Solution To The Economic Crisis Or A Constitutional Requirement? With Reference To The New Spanish Sustainable Economy Act (Ley De Economía Sostenible)”

Title: “Environmental Sustainability And Administrative Law: A New Solution To The Economic Crisis Or A Constitutional Requirement? With Reference To The New Spanish Sustainable Economy Act (Ley De Economía Sostenible)”

Author: Francisco Javier Sanz Larruga, Professor of Administrative Law of University of A Coruña (Spain)

Reception date: April 21st, 2011

Acceptance date: April 29th, 2011

Doi: https://doi.org/10.56398/ajacieda.00198


The successful formulation of the sustainability paradigm – in its many aspects: environmental, social and economic- spreading in many programmatic and strategic documents of international organizations and national governments carried out in the context of the present economic crisis, sets out important problems of legal interpretation when it comes to introducing them uncritically in standard-setting instruments.

Sustainable development is not a mere conceptual resource derived from the new trends on environmental economy but a real legal principle that can be translated into important requirements and mandates aimed to the rational use of natural resources and its protection on the future generations.

If the aim is to achieve efficiently these objectives, the reception of the sustainability criteria – or at least the environmental ones- in the

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