20 September 2024

Periodical publications Recensiones Bibliographic references

Referencias bibliográficas al día. Recensiones


OKOH, Michele. Forgotten Waters. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

Cambio climático:

GOUZOULES, Alexander. Going Concerns and Environmental Concerns: Mitigating Climate Change Through Bankruptcy Reform. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

NARANG, Anjali. Optimizing Nudges for Climate Change: Insights From Behavioral and Environmental Economics. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

SCOTT, Tabitha A. Leveraging Climate Choice Architecture for Effective Behavior Change. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

SUSSMAN, Reuven. Choice Architecture Is One Piece of the Climate Action Puzzle. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

Contaminación atmosférica:

PATTON, Vickie. Protecting All People From Pollution in a Pluralistic Society. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

Derecho ambiental:

CECOT, Caroline. Efficiency and Equity in Regulation. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

CLARK, Hilay. Reinforcing the Positive Benefits and Attitudes. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

CRUDEN, John. Implementing Environmental Laws: “Negotiating Everything”. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

DILLING, Lisa. Nudge Strategies: The Need for a Systematic Approach. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024. (Cambio climático; Energía, Aguas; Derecho ambiental)

GRUMBLES, Ben. The Art and Science of Environmental Negotiation. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.


SCOTT, Tabitha A. Leveraging Climate Choice Architecture for Effective Behavior Change. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

SUSSMAN, Reuven. Choice Architecture Is One Piece of the Climate Action Puzzle. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

Energía eólica:

LANTZ, Eric. Broad Understanding as a Starting Point for Constructive Solutions for Siting Wind Energy Projects. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

Energías renovables:

MANDELBAUM, Josh. Principles for Siting Renewable Energy Projects: A Response to Deals in the Heartland. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

McLEAN, CRISTOPHER. Comment on “Deals in the Heartland: Renewable Energy projects, Local Resistance, and How Law Can Help”. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

Espacios naturales protegidos:

ROMEO RUIZ, Aritz. Recensión: “VERA JURADO, D.J. y ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, E.M., (dirs.), Espacios Naturales protegidos en Andalucía: impacto de las tecnologías de la información, de la comunicación y de la Inteligencia Artificial en su protección y conservación, Tirant lo Blanch, Valencia, 2023”. Revista Vasca de Administración Pública, n. 128(1), enero-abril 2024, pp. 283-286. Disponible en: https://doi.org/10.47623/ivap-rvap.128.2024.1.10 (Fecha de último acceso 26-08-2024).


BREGGIN, Linda K.; BLASINSKY, Kyle J.; THompson, Madeline Clair; et al. Analysis of Environmental Law Scolarship 2022-2023. Environmental Law Reporter, vol. 54, n. 8, agosto 2024.

Responsabilidad por daños:

HUA, Ji. Recensión: “Responsibility for environmental damage By Jason Rudall, Edward Elgar Publishing. 2024”. Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law, vol. 33, n. 2, julio 2024, pp. 340-341.


CARRIZO AGUADO, David. Recensión al libro “Inteligencia Artificial y vehículos autónomos: responsabilidad civil extracontractual internacional” de Raul Lafuente Sánchez: Aranzadi, Madrid, 2024. Unión Europea Aranzadi, n. 7, 2024.